whut pbs kids educators page

Step into a world of educational resources and inspiration tailored for educators on WHUT's Educators Page! Explore a diverse array of featured articles covering innovative teaching strategies, educational trends, and classroom management tips. Dive into engaging classroom lessons designed to captivate students' interest and promote active learning. Discover interactive activities that bring lessons to life and foster creativity in the classroom. Plus, access a curated selection of videos offering valuable insights, instructional tips, and professional development opportunities.

  • Culturally responsive teaching: geometry

    What do you think people mean when they say that a school is overcrowded or that class sizes are too large? This guide prompts math teachers to frame geometry learning using big, open-ended driving questions, multimedia resources, and potential projects that are relevant to students’ lives. In addition, the guide offers tips for engaging students with multiple modes of representation and assessment.

  • Trail of Tears: The Cherokee Fight Against Removal

    In this interactive lesson supporting literacy skills in U.S. history, students are introduced to the Cherokees' struggle to remain on their land in the early 1800s. Students explore the assimilation strategy of the Cherokee Nation and its eventual impact on their fate. During this process, they read informational text, learn and practice vocabulary words, and explore content through videos and engagement activities.

  • Dance Arts toolkit: jazz music & dance

    With this captivating video from the Dance Arts Toolkit, viewers are treated to an in-depth exploration of jazz dance, its intricate connection to jazz music, and its esteemed position within American dance culture. The video highlights the symbiotic relationship between jazz dance and jazz music, illustrating how the two art forms intertwine to create a dynamic and expressive form of performance.

WHUT and PBS have curated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for teachers like you find resources here

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