Ways to support whut

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    Become A Member

    WHUT Sustainers support WHUT with ongoing, monthly donations that auto-renew each year.

  • "Do Something Great" in neon letters


    Help us continue to create original content based on people in YOUR community.

  • colleagues with laptops sitting at a table

    Leadership Circles

    Take a leadership role with others in the community by making a monthly donation of at least $100 or a one-time gift of at least $1,200.

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    Planned Giving

    When considering a planned gift in your will or trust, you can rest assured that you’re helping leave a remarkable legacy for your children, grandchildren, friends, and community.

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    Giving Docs

    We’ve partnered with Giving Docs to provide a will-writing resource for our WHUT community. Now is the perfect time to make sure that the people and causes you care about are looked after. It’s free to you and a smart, thoughtful way to shape the future of your local public television station.

More ways to give

The mission of WHUT television, the nation’s only Public Broadcasting Television station owned and operated by a historically Black University, is to deliver educational, entertaining, intellectually stimulating, multicultural, and intergenerational programming to the public in the Metro DC region.