
Ways to support whut

  • Become A Member

    WHUT Sustainers support WHUT with ongoing, monthly donations that auto-renew each year.

  • Donate 

    Help us continue to create original content based on people in YOUR community.

  • Leadership Circles

    Take a leadership role with others in the community by making a monthly donation of at least $100 or a one-time gift of at least $1,200.

  • Planned Giving

    When considering a planned gift in your will or trust, you can rest assured that you’re helping leave a remarkable legacy for your children, grandchildren, friends, and community.

More ways to give

The mission of WHUT television, the nation’s only Public Broadcasting Television station owned and operated by a historically Black University, is to deliver educational, entertaining, intellectually stimulating, multicultural, and intergenerational programming to the public in the Metro DC region.