WHUT pbs kids grown-ups page

Discover a wealth of resources and support tailored for grown-ups on WHUT's Grown-ups Page! Engage your little ones with interactive activities designed to spark creativity and learning. Plus, explore a curated selection of videos offering insights, tips, and inspiration for navigating the journey of parenthood.

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  • bedtime tips

    Bedtime can be challenging, but good sleep is crucial for children's growth and development. In the series "Donkey Hodie Bedtime Stories," characters demonstrate ways to help kids wind down. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can be beneficial for both children and parents. Learn more in our featured article.

  • Water Xylophone

    Let's embark on a musical adventure! Get ready to unleash your creativity and explore the magical world of music. Have you ever wondered how different pitches, tones, and sounds come together to create beautiful melodies? Now, you can experience it firsthand by crafting your very own glass bottle water xylophone.

  • Use Math While Baking

    Peg and her friends from “Nature Cat” find math all around them, including in the kitchen. As you bake and decorate a delicious honey cake, look for all the ways you use math — from measuring the ingredients, to setting the oven temperature and timer, to decorating the cake with geometric patterns.

Looking for more creative activities, informative articles, and helpful videos? Check out tons of great resources here and sign up for the WHUT Kids Newsletter to receive family resources and learn about local events to help your kids thrive!

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