Planned Giving

Planned Giving

couple smiling

Leave A Lasting Legacy

Since 1980, WHUT Howard University Television has utilized the miraculous instrument of public television to enrich and change the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors in your area. This vital work has been made possible through the years because of loyal members and supporters like you. You can continue making your area a better place to live, learn, and grow by establishing a planned gift to support the future of public television in our community.

Download our Planned Giving Information Packet for a summary of the different ways to include WHUT in your future plans

Remembering WHUT in your will or trust is a precious investment. When considering a planned gift to WHUT, you can rest assured that you are helping leave a remarkable legacy for your children, grandchildren, friends, and community. 

Ways to Give

To learn more about giving, please contact Luma Haj-Heithoff, M.B.A., WHUT Deputy General Manager, at 202.806.3460, 
as you consider your plans.

Please consult with your professional advisor for advice on the full impact of your charitable giving on your financial and/or legal circumstances.




Including WHUT Howard University Television in your charitable plans is a simple process.